Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tapping your land will not help you tap my ass.....

   After meeting up with a Misogynist who was repelled by my sexual past, I decided I had nowhere else to go but up. It was like I was in "Chasing Amy" right down to the probable homoerotic urges on his part.  My hope had not faltered. I decided to keep my head up and hope Mr. Right would somehow come into my life. Enter "Creeps: the Gathering".
   My profile has a specific tag with all my dorky tendencies. Namely Dungeons and Dragons as well as other role-playing games. In my profile picture I am wearing a shirt that says "Babe with the Power" from the Labyrinth. Much like a rabid dog will salivate to infect his prey with more efficiency I was using the proverbial nerd call of the wild hoping my mating call was still subtle enough to catch someone yet not too strong as to find the basement dwelling super nerd who still lives with his parents and has Cheetos stains on his shirt and matching whitey tighties that have well lived past their expiration date.
   This particular specimen was seemingly well rounded. He had a job, his own apartment, he was creative, and had good hygiene. He appealed to a couple of my interests. One he was into art, two he was a Pisces. We messaged back and forth. At first I was a little turned off by his low confidence. He was asking me if I liked his pictures and I said they were nice. He then got really defensive saying he wasn't attractive. There are a few things that turn me off such as this, one is defecation during fornication, another such example is having an icepick shoved under each finger nail while giving fellatio to a orangutan with dubious hygiene. Long story short, this would be the first yellow light.
   Next he asked (since I do live in Japan) why he should wait around for me to move home for him. I don't know him, I don't know if he will live up to any expectations I have. There's no reason for him to "wait" for me. I told him so.
   After talking for a while about art and moving past the whole sense of self loathing he projected, we talked nerd. I love when men talk nerdy to me, however, it takes a certain style and sense of humor about it. After all it's hard to stay smug and sexy when talking about your latest character or gear. Needless to say when done right, you totally roll a nat. 20 on your charm spell. My will save fails and I am entranced. However he decided to use the ever so smooth line of "So wanna play magic: the gathering and make out?" I laughed and said "Wow, every nerd girl's dream." though I suppose my sarcasm was lost on him.
   Every time we talked, he would ask me what I'm wearing. This gets annoying, I don't like to be objectified and if all you are looking for is a hot piece of ass move on. I'm more than a pretty face and am looking for intelligent conversation and wit, not asking me what I'm wearing every time we talk. "Hi, so what you wearing?" grates on my nerves. This is exactly what he did. I never initiated conversation. I grew bored of him and weary of his lame come ons.
  As previously stated I live in Japan. Ever since the big earthquake there have been aftershocks and typhoons aplenty. In particular there was an aftershock that felt as big as the earthquake that seemed to have spawned impending doom for Japan. It happened around midnight and woke me up from a dead sleep. Freaking out, shaky handed I decided to get online to see if my parents were around so I can calm down and get some sleep. He messages me. The conversation goes as follows.

Him: Hey, what's up?
Me: We just had a big earthquake, I'm a little dare I say, shaken up. Actually, I'm freaking out.
Him: Wow, wtf Japan.
Me: I know, right?
Him: So...... what'cha wearin?

....... Seriously, guy? Seriously? Nothing says I'm worried about your well being after a major earthquake than the status of your apparel.

 I replied with "Debris" and blocked him. 

Thank you for reading, this has been film from the bottom, posts from the cesspool. Join in next time for more tales of disgust and debauchery.

1 comment:

  1. Just finished reading your blogs...your dad is sitting next to me reading them on his ipad, laughing....the couch is shaking. You and Holly are very interesting wordsmiths. I found it very entertaining. Looking forward to reading more!
    Love ya
